MartinBirrerDesign Licht 01

Light Concept study

Light bulb as key to design concept

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MartinBirrerDesign Licht 02

An aluminium frame and transparent honeycomb material enclose a compact luminescent lamp. Depending on the viewer's perspective, the honeycomb appears either clear or opaque. In the second prototyp, the acrylic surface turns around the lamp. A simple turn changes the atmosphere.

Client: Lumess Lighting Design, Basel
Location, Year: Basel, 2003
Task: project management, conception, project planning, execution planning, realisation
Photos: Martin Birrer Design

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MartinBirrerDesign Licht 05
MARTIN BIRRER DESIGN GMBH Gerberngasse 23 CH-3011 Bern T +41 31 318 50 80