MartinBirrerDesign RubisStubis 01

Rübis und Stübis Restaurant

A differentiated approach to colour and materials connects the otherwise very different spaces and lends each its own character.

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MartinBirrerDesign RubisStubis 02

With the interior design concept an overall solution for all interiors in the restaurant area, the exhibition shop and the camping store has been developed. Attention was given, above all, to a consistent material and colour concept. For the wall surfaces an industrial semi-finished product was further developed into a visually impressive design element with the help of a special surface treatment process. In cooperation with architects and contractors, individual design solutions for interior design elements and furniture, while keeping in mind ecological considerations, were worked out.

Client: PanEco, Foundation for sustainable development and intercultural exchange
Location, Year: Nature Centre Thurauen in Flaach, canton of Zurich, 2012
Task: conception, project planning, execution planning
Photos: Martin Birrer Design

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MARTIN BIRRER DESIGN GMBH Gerberngasse 23 CH-3011 Bern T +41 31 318 50 80