MartinBirrerDesign PfeifDrauf 01

Pfeif drauf Special exhibition

From the intelligent ravens, birdsong as an inspiration for composers and the bamboo flute of Pan – the pan flute.

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The exhibition "Pfeif drauf. Birdsong in language and music" encourages the visitor to find the similarities between birdsong, language and music through comparisons. Oversized bird nests invite the visitor to sit down at listening stations and experience the fascinating world of birdsong and language. In a dense forest of leaves one can discover birds and other animals.

Client: Foundation Wildnispark Zurich
Location, Year: Zurich, 2010
Task: conception, project planning, execution planning, realisation
Concept, Content: Eva Dietrich, Zurich
Audio: Stefan Arnold, Outline4, Bern
Photos: Martin Birrer Design

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MARTIN BIRRER DESIGN GMBH Gerberngasse 23 CH-3011 Bern T +41 31 318 50 80