Gruese sessel Kopie

BBL Campus Zollikofen E5 Interior design


Sessel gruen galerie Kopie
Gang kreise hoch Kopie
Roter teppich buero Kopie

A material and color concept for the three office buildings on the new campus is being developed in collaboration with the architectural firm Bauart Architekten AG. In the new office concepts, the personal workplace is becoming less important, making the design of meeting zones all the more important for the well-being of those working there. Martin Birrer Design is responsible for the interior design of the meeting zones: foyers, restaurants, social hubs (coffee zones) and central areas on the office floors.

Client: BBL, Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik
Location: Bern, 2023
Tasks: conception, project planning, execution planning
Photos: Rolf Siegenthaler

Rote sessel hoch Kopie
Aussenbereich hoch Kopie
MARTIN BIRRER DESIGN GMBH Gerberngasse 23 CH-3011 Bern T +41 31 318 50 80