MartinBirrerDesign Ballenberg 01

Ballenberg Signage system

Revolving fans invite interaction and stimulate you to deal with the historical background.

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The new organization and design of the main entrance as well as the clear colour concept create orientation and invite you to stay in the office area and become informed. The new signage system provides information on the various historical buildings and much more. By means of rotating fans, the contents can be explored interactively. The oak posts, aluminium panels as well as the bolts idea are the connective elements of signage.

Client: Open-air museum Ballenberg BE
Location, Year: Ballenberg BE, 2015
Task: entrance concept, project planning, execution planning
Idea for Revolving Fans: Fabritastika, Zurich
Visual Communication: Viscom, Bern
Photos: Martin Birrer Design GmbH

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MARTIN BIRRER DESIGN GMBH Gerberngasse 23 CH-3011 Bern T +41 31 318 50 80